The Oasis Pro is all you need to get started with Cranio-Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), an effective non-pharmaceutical approach to relieve discomfort and assist with sleeping and calming of the mind.
CES devices work by sending tiny, barely perceptible electrical impulses to the brain through small ear-clips attached to the earlobes.The increase in serotonin and endorphins, which this gentle stimulation produces, leads to a number of very positive effects. These include improved mental clarity and memory, improved concentration and learning, better sleep, raised mood and the calming of psychosomatic conditions.
The Oasis Pro also incorporates a Micro-Electrotherapy (MET) function as standard. MET, which is delivered by means of MET probes, can be used to speed healing of injuries such as tendons, muscle injuries, soft tissue or cartilage. The probes (which may be purchased separately) can be used to stimulate multiple sites during the same session.
The Oasis Pro with tDCS functionality
This package comprises a standard Oasis Pro device, with additional factory-fitted tDCS functionality and the accessories required to operate the additional tDCS programmes.
About tDCS therapy
When a DC current is applied over the scalp with the intention of altering neuronal activity, it is known as transcranial DC stimulation. tDCS is effective in modulating spontaneous neuronal firing. tDCS at intensities of 1 milliamp applied for roughly 20 minutes has been shown to either excite or inhibit the sensorimotor cortex, with the effects lasting over an hour. Excitation is achieved by anodal (+) stimulation, while inhibition is achieved by cathodal (-) stimulation. Anodal stimulation has also been shown to increase both beta and gamma activity in the visual cortex, while cathodal stimulation has decreased beta and gamma activity.
Stimulation is generated by putting a wet cloth, cotton ball, or sponge on the scalp over the brain region to be treated and a sponge or cotton ball on the shoulder or the face. The tDCS sessions deliver a maximum intensity of 2.2 milliamps at DC.
tDCS is being used to help with many conditions, including improving mood. The gamma brainwave frequency band is defined as being approximately between 30 to 100 Hz, with 40 Hz being of particular significance, as 40 Hz appears to be the brain’s master clock frequency and other rhythms, especially theta, modulate into 40 Hz.
IMPORTANT: Notice on the use of tDCS
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