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Audio-Visual Entrainment

Have you ever heard of Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE)? This technique uses pulses of light and sound at specific frequencies to gently guide the brain into different brainwave patterns. By altering your brainwave frequencies, you can experience a range of benefits such as boosting your mood, improving your sleep patterns, sharpening your mind, and increasing relaxation levels. All it takes is the simple push of a button!

AVE works through the process of entrainment, which is the tendency of physiological processes to mirror environmental stimuli. It can produce situationally-appropriate brainwave frequencies and increase cerebral blood flow, as well as metabolisation of glucose in the brain for improved neuronal functioning. The combined outcome of these processes is improved mental performance.

This alternative therapy is effective and inexpensive for many disorders such as anxiety, ADHD, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), PTSD, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain. It's also used successfully to boost physical performance for athletes, academic performance for students, business performance and corporate wellness, and cognitive performance for older people.

One of the important objectives of entrainment is to produce a dissociative state, which is a meditation-like state of deep relaxation. When you're in this state, your body experiences deep and diaphragmatic breathing, warmer hands and feet as arteries dilate, and increased blood flow throughout the face and body. As the brain releases beneficial neurotransmitters, you'll feel profound relaxation and contentment. The brain-body's regenerative repair chemicals and stabilising neurotransmitters are released, which restore good brain function.

When you use AVE, several things occur:  

1. Your EEG activity is altered as the AVE frequency changes. For example, Feeling Better sessions re-stabilise brainwaves by suppressing left frontal alpha while boosting right frontal alpha to normal levels. 

2. You're being dissociated from your daily hassles and worries, which involves a disconnection of self from thoughts and body awareness.

3. Your limbic system stabilises, your breathing becomes rhythmic, your hands warm up, and your muscles relax.

4. A number of neurotransmitters are being produced, boosting brain levels of serotonin and norepinephrine to improve overall well-being

5. Your cerebral blood flow (CBF) increases. The lowering of CBF is associated with many forms of mental disorders, including anxiety, depression, attentional problems, behaviour disorders, and impaired cognitive function.

AVE is not only beneficial for mental health, but also for sleep. It contributes to the natural regenerative process of the body and brain, making it an essential component of good sleep hygiene. When the body-mind effects of experiencing AVE are fully appreciated, the experience becomes as regular and beneficial as other life essentials, such as quality sleep, good nutrition, pure water, and exercise.

Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) is a safe and effective alternative therapy for various mental and physical health conditions. By altering your brainwave frequencies, you can experience improved mental performance, boost your mood, improve your sleep patterns, sharpen your mind, and increase relaxation levels.

For more information, you can read Dave’s article Audio-Visual Entrainment: History & Physiological Mechanisms.

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